Macheta Statica de Asamblat Tamiya 1/24 Campus friends set
Macheta statica, tip kit, care necesita asamblare, ULTRA REALISTA si complet licentiata, din partea producatorului japonez Tamiya.
Informatii importante:
Macheta necesita asamblarea micro componentelor. Poate necesita lipire autocolante si diverse componente mici.
Macheta NU se furnizeaza vopsita: aceasta este oferita de producator in culoarea alb sau gri in functie de plasticul folosit. Pentru vopsire, este necesara achizitionarea suplimentara de vopsea dedicata.
Material: plastic
Scara 1/24 - a Kitul contine 5 figurine si accesorii pentru acestea
Kitul nu contine MASINA!
Descriere si informatii producator:
This model figure set contains 5 new modern age and contemporary figures compared to the 1983 release of the first Campus Friends Set. The collection of five figures and a scooter is useful to model dioramas given the adaptability of the figures to a range of accompanying models. The figures in this set are newly-scanned figures and are paired with a range of accessories more appropriate to the 2020s, with plenty of options to choose from.
• 1/24 scale plastic figure assembly kit.
• Parts are included to create five figures (four females, one male); they were designed using cutting edge 3D scanning techniques to recreate subtle details such as creases and wrinkles in clothing.
• Natural poses include a figure taking a selfie, and more.
• The male figure and one female feature a choice of head parts; two more female figures have a choice of right arm components.
• Modern accessories include guitar case, coffee cup, smart phone, and various bags.
• Makes for a great companion piece for models in the extensive Tamiya 1/24 Sports Car Series.